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Good communication between home and school is essential and we encourage parents to contact us if they have any queries or concerns.

We will text or email parents and carers with letters, information or emergency updates, for example, if buses are running late, so it is important that we are supplied with any changes to contact details.  

Personal appointments can be arranged, at a mutually convenient time, with members of staff in order to discuss any matters of concern. Please always feel free to contact the school about concerns which affect your child.


We aim to work with parents and carers to address all issues of concern, and share your wish to act in your child's best interests. If you are unhappy about any matter, please contact your child's form tutor in the first instance. Should you be unable to resolve the issue, the next step is to contact your child's Head of Key Stage.

If your query is about Special Educational Needs, please contact Ms T Watkins, SEND Admin officer in the first  instance.  Safeguarding issues should be addressed to Mrs R Williams our Designated Safeguarding Officer.

Our formal Complaints Procedure can be found below.