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Friends of Kingstone Academy Trust (PTA)

Dear All,

We thought we would introduce ourselves and give you information and dates in advance for the exciting things we have planned for this year. Our committee is:

                                                                 V Seymour          Chair (High School)

                                                                 L Jones                 Vice Chair/Social Media Officer (High School)

                                                                T Watkins            Treasurer (Primary and High School)                       

                                                                T Quinsey            Member (Primary School)

                                                                D Carletti             Member (High School)

                                                                K Carwood          Member (High School)

                                                                K Langford           Member (KES)                                                                

Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at the Bullring Inn in Kingstone at 7pm.  The next meeting is Thursday 5th October.  We also meet at 4pm in school as and when required for additional planning for events. Friends of Kingstone Academy Trust includes all 3 sites: Kingstone & Thruxton Primary School, Kingstone High School and KES, and we would welcome anyone that would like to join us.

Our Facebook page is: where we try and keep everyone up to date and informed on anything that is going on. Access is granted once you have answered the administration question. The page is only for parents/family/carers/staff, not students.

Our next events will be ………..

Tuesday 1st October at 4pm AGM in KHS HUB

Friday 4th October 6.30pm Social Event at The Monument, Hereford

Friday 25th October Firework Night at KHS

Saturday 7th December Christmas Fair at KHS

We look forward to seeing you at some of our events.

With kind regards,

Friends of Kingstone Academy Trust