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Maths Star Project Year 7 & 8

The star project asked students to use the maths skills of construction, factors, shape properties, rounding, area and circumference to create a star. This links maths with ICT and art.

They had to draw at least three concentric circles. Then decide on a factor of 360 to use, and divide up the circles equally by their chosen factor. By adding lines between the circles, students created stars and stars within stars. They were then asked to label some of the mathematical features within their diagrams.

  • Star y7 (2)

    Star y7 (2).jpg
    Star y7 (2)
  • Star y8

    Star y8.jpg
    Star y8
  • Star y8 (2)

    Star y8 (2).jpg
    Star y8 (2)
  • Star y8 (1)

    Star y8 (1).jpg
    Star y8 (1)
  • Star y7

    Star y7.jpg
    Star y7
  • Star 2

    Star 2.jpg
    Star 2